"The Sixth Point"
Do NEVER believe the apostates from the Synod
-K –
whatever they tell you, whatever documents they show you – because they are SHAMELESS LIARS (Photius Marathon and others)!

Here are the FACTS
: They are clearly exposed by the canonical Apolytirion of father John (Vasilevski) – as a FACT – and as a very indicative example!
The heresy of cyprianism, in which the "bishops" from the Synod-K are, contains

а) Not only faith distortion=heresy

б) It also contains moral distortion, as for example "Let us lie in the name of Truth" – and in order to achieve their goals they LIE not only without fear of God (in Whom they obviously DO NOT believe!) but also WITHOUT SHAME of men (Luke.18:4).

One must be very stupid to believe them! And anyone with at least a little common sense, should be clear that in such SHAMELESS LIARS - even if they were not heretics – IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to inhabit the Holy Spirit of Truth!
Indicative example is the obvious DOCUMENT which exposes in what extreme shamelessness of lie are plunged Photius (Marathon) and other such servants of heresy - and every thinking person understands that the united heretics cyprianites are shameless liars and there is no lie to which they would not resort in order to achieve their goals! Therefore, they can make (AND WILL MAKE!) another 1000 confessions of faith all to the last one deceitful and heretical - to deceive, but never to repent for their heresy. It is therefore meaningless for one to catch at the "Sixth point" of their heretical confession - officially published on their sites. Their very shamelessness in lying already sufficiently clearly proves that THEY ARE UNREPENTANT HERETICS – and they themselves DO NOT WANT to get out of the ANATHEMA under which they came themselves!

Here is this "The Sixth point"
FACT: Officially published the heresy of the united heretics cyprianites

In Bulgarian: ”6. Що се отнася до тайнствата извършени от т.нар официални православни Църкви, Истинната Православна Църква не твърди със сигурност, нито тяхната валидност, нито тяхното спасително действие, особено по отношение на тези хора, които съзнателно са в общение със синкретичния икуменизъм и сергианството, въпреки факта, че Истинната Православна Църква не повтаря задължително тези Тайнства над идващите с покаяние към общение с нея, имайки предвид очакваното свикване на Велик Събор на Истинното Православие, за да се потвърди това което вече е станало на местно ниво.”

In Russian:
6. Что касается Таинств, совершенных в так называемых официальных православных Церквах, Истинная Православная Церковь, не утверждает с уверенностью ни их действительность, ни их спасительное действие, особенно относительно тех людей, которыесознательно находятся в общении с синкретическом экуменизмом исергианством, несмотря на то, что Истинная Православная Церковь не обязательно повторяет эти Таинства над приходящими с покаянием к общению с ней, имея ввиду ожидаемый созыв Большого Собора Истинного Православия, для подтверждения уже бывших на местном уровне.

In English:
6. More specifically, with regard to the Mysteries celebrated in the so-called official Orthodox Churches, the True Orthodox Church, within the boundaries of Her pastoral solicitude, does not provide assurance concerning their validity or concerning their soteriological efficacy, in particular for those who commune “knowingly” [wittingly] with syncretistic ecumenism and Sergianism, even though She does not in any instance repeat their form for those entering into communion with Her in repentance, having in view the convocation of a Major Synod of True Orthodoxy, in order to place a seal on what has already occurred at a local level.

- Instead of saying directly: In the heresy of ecumenism there is NO Grace and Sacraments
- These heretics say: "The True Orthodox Church does not provide assurance concerning their validity or concerning their soteriological efficacy

Imagine that this "Sixth point" WAS NOT SUCH!
Imagine that this " Sixth point" WAS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!
Imagine that this " Sixth point" GETS COMPLETELY CHANGED!
Imagine that this " Sixth point" BEGINS TO BE MODIFIED three times a day - morning, noon and night - and thus for 3 or 10 years or even forever!


In all these games of writing and modifying (this heretical document has ALREADY been amended, sliced-and-glued 15 times!) this "Sixth point" can be childishly easily refabricated 10 times not a day, but - an hour: One time cyprianitic, another time buddhist, third time mohammedan, fourth time protestant, fifth...

Having caught at this "Sixth point" the fools, devoid of any spiritual vision in depth, are lured by the periphery=appearance - and start now long and tiring discussions, "but what does this Sixth point mean, but let us now explore – for days, weeks, months and years..."

Other fools begin now to translate it – wipe the sweat from their forehead and translate, the fools: in 3 languages, in 18 languages ... And after they have translated it, "the pundit" Photius just modifies it - for example modifies one sentence. Or - modifies three words and a half and in the fifth word changes one letter - for instance:
from omOusion he makes it omIusion
And then the cunning fellow smiles slyly - clicks "Enter" and starts to trumpet on the internent "Hereee – we modified itttt! Look now HOW Orthodox it isss!"
And then sits down in his armchair and begins to giggle and laugh at the fools...
And the fools who believe him and thereby amuse him very much - what do they do?
The f
ools wipe the sweat from their brow - drop their job, stay hungry, and start TRANSLATING AGAIN... And Photius the cunning fellow giggles gloating over their stupidity - and at the fact that they themselves help him to spin them on his finger...
- This is either EXTREME FOLLY = one must be very stupid to not understand
or is EXTREME HYPOCRISY = he understands but lies and pretends that he does not understand - that because of this STUPIDITY of theirs – the way they have started to jump to the games of this immature but gloating child (Photius – we specified for the fools who are we talking about) as part of his computer game for adults – there follows:
 - The heretic Photius will give them brazen lies that allegedly "so had done St. Basil the great" – BRAZEN LIE and blasphemy against the Orthodox Saint!
- The heretic Kallinikos will LIE that allegedly there was no need for the heretics to repent in order to be accepted in the Church = the heresy of Kallinikos  
- and many other long and lengthy, pointing-outs of their "cleverness" - the fruit of pride and misunderstanding of the ESSENCE=DEPTH of the trap=lure, designed to deceive, if possible even the elect.

Why and who needs their lies?
Who is not clear that these people compromised themselves as PROVEN LIARS - they lie constantly - and they HAVE NO SHAME of their own lies! They PROVED THEMSELVES to be people WITHOUT HONOR!

Anybody left who doubts this – that they are people WITHOUT HONOR!?
You want examples?
All right.
Here are the FACTS:
IF they were not PROVEN by themselves, to be people WITHOUT HONOR - then WHY Fotius, Gregorius, Manyotis Chrysostomos - and other PROVEN LIARS for 8 whole years now shamelessly LIE that I (father John) have been DEPOSED? They KNOW that this is a lie - they have my letter of release (Apolytirion) - and there is clearly written: not only that I have FULL RIGHT to exercise my Priesthood - but even that this Apolitirion is full of PRAISE for me! - and that this is exactly what Bishop Acacius of Diavlia said before the Synod and before THESE ENVIERS - when the text of the Apolytirion was discussed - and NONE of the Synod objected! And they themselves - only gnashed their teeth in ENVY - but could say nothing THERE!

And also those ENVIERS KNOW=THEY ARE SURE that – NO ONE HAS EVER said about them and WILL NOT RISK to say about them such praise - because if he only dares to say a praise for them in a similar way which even from afar looks like the praises with which I am commended – then the whole world will laugh at him!
- let alone someone WRITE about them praiseful words and then - in an official document! And moreover sign it! Absurd!
And my letter of release (Apolytirion) - is signed not only by Bishop Kallinikos but also by Archbishop Chrysostom - who in any case was not my "friend" yet he also, at that OPENLY said in front of those enviers about me, "YOU would have been THE BEST OF ALL – if only you had a little more tolerance!"- but by saying "tolerance" he meant having tolerance for their apostasies - this is known . And such "tolerance" to their apostasies, not only do I not have, but directly - refuse to have!
That's the Truth!

It is clear that in your souls arises the logical QUESTION: Since they KNOW that what they spread about me is a lie - WHY DO THEY KEEP LYING for so many years, all around the world and WITHOUT SHAME, and speak not just a lie, but – EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of the truth? Why?

- First . THEY LIE because both Photius Gregorius and Chrysostomos Manyotis are ENVIERS - and THAT IS WHY they slander me! They lie and slander me because they will burst from satanic ENVY that these words are written ABOUT ME and NOT ABOUT THEM!
Here FOR THAT satanic ENVY they slander me! They will die of ENVY!
Both Photius, Manyotis and Gregorius - slander me OUT OF ENVY!
This is the FIRST. And with that they PROVED THEMSELVES to be shameless LIARS

- and the Second is: They LIE not only out of envy, but also because they are liars by nature and sons of the father of LIE - and so whatever they speak – they speak what is of their father (John.8:44)
If I am wrong when I say this - expose me, please!
Take for example my letter of release (Apolytirion) - and check:
- Is what I say TRUE or maybe I am kidding? Here see - my Apolytirion is not a secret! And not only is it not a secret, but even on the contrary: because of these eulogies, with which it is filled for me - ANYONE who would be HONORED with such an Apolytirion, would hang it on the wall WITH HONOR - to be seen by everybody! Please - see:

In this copy of the Apolytirion 10 points are highlighted. If you want skip the praise of the PURITY of my Orthodox Faith and my Morally clean life - and go straight to point 4 - which explicitly states that the issuing of this Apolytirion is TOTALLY and completely by MY express insistence! And in point 5 it says that the REASONS for my insistence to be issued this Apolytirion (so my passage to another Bishop can be COMPLETELY LEGAL, because I myself am meticulously strict by nature) I had told orally to Bishop Kallinikos. In point 6 it says that releasing me they GIVE ME EVERY RIGHT to fulfill my Priestly Ministry in purity and FULL AUTHORITY – without a blemish!!! - contrary to the outrageous lies of the shameless slanderers Photius, Gregorius and Chrysostomos Manyotis - who BURST WITH ENVY satanic – and that is why SLANDER me (in Greek the word "slanderer" is DIAVOLOS!)
In point 2 the Bishops THANK me for my Ministry!
In point 3 the Bishops write that THEY ARE SORRY that I want to move elsewhere to perform my Ministry
In point 7 the Bishops write that they pray to God’s Providence TO CLEAR THE REASONS for which I so insist on leaving them - and AFTER those reasons are cleared – they HOPE I will RETURN!
And THE REASONS why I wanted to leave and insisted on it - are no longer a secret: They are set out clearly in my letter to the Synod of 2002 – in which I clearly point by point lay out that the Synod of Chrysostom has a CONDUCTED IN PRACTICE heretical cyprianitic confession – and that I wrote back in 2002! And the Synod examined this letter - and DECIDED that I was RIGHT to resent, that MY faith is the Orthodox one and that the vices which I castigate are apostasy from Orthodoxy - and the Synod GAVE OBEDIENCE to Photius to give me a written reply!!!
About this decision, Bishop Kallinikos INFORMED ME PERSONALLY in our conversation in 2002 in the Monastery of Holy Archangels - on the bench near the Xenon.

But this HERETIC AND SLANDERER Photius - rebels AGAINST the decision of the Synod, for 12 years now HAS NOT GIVEN ANY RESPONSE! Moreover - for all these 12 years he SHAMESLY LIES AND DEFAMES ME all around the world - in Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, England, Russia and everywhere!...
What else but RESENTMENT can the behavior of this SHAMELESS LIAR cause???
And yet I endure in patience, remain silent, waiting for him to come to his senses and publish this exposure of this SHAMELESS LIAR only now after 12 years!
IS NOT A LIAR AND A SLANDERER also every one who says that I was allegedly HASTY? Can he who reproaches me - withstand and endure for 12 years?
I think it is quite clear why in point 7 the Bishops write that they pray to God’s Providence TO CLEAR THE REASONS for which I so insist on leaving them - and AFTER those reasons are cleared – they HOPE I will RETURN! - And SIGN below!
This is the Truth: NOT that they expect me to change something in myself but on the contrary - they express hope that the SYNOD be cleared from the heresy of cyprianism because THIS IS THE REASON - and then, once the Synod is cleared – THAT THEN I WOULD PLEASE TO RETURN! That is what the Bishops and Bishop Kallinikos and Archbishop Chrysostomos pray for - and SIGN BELOW!

No need to go on - I think it's enough up to here - to be seen to what extent HAVE TRAMPLED THEIR CONSCIENCE SHAMELESS LIARS AND SLANDERERS as Photius and others! If even SUCH BRAZEN AND SHAMELESS LIES is capable of the slanderer Photius and others of the company - tell me

And then - tell me: WHAT KIND OF PERSON should be that "shepherd" of the flock of Christ who seeks the lies of these SLANDERERS?

DISGRACE! - Both of slanderers and liars as Photius - and of EVERYONE who SEEKS their lies!

Precisely because of such PROUD AND UNSPIRITUAL "shepherds" other active heretics also seek the lies of these SLANDERERS so that through their lies they can JUSTIFY - their apostasy! These apostates seek their lies - because it is in their lies that they find "help" - satanic "help" - which is convenient for them to override their conscience and its rebukes! (1Tim.4:2)
And exactly this is the way and exactly in such a way will be fulfilled the words of the Lord, Who says that in the last days satan will sow temptations designed to deceive if possible even the very elect (Matthew 24:24)

NO HONEST MAN who is honest by his nature – NEEDS their lies - and so does not seek them! And not only does not seek them, but even abhors their lies - and avoids them. And this applies not only to a man from among the Christians - but even from among the gentiles.
And vice versa: The one who is a scoundrel by his very nature - he seeks their lies - seeks them even if he is naming himself a "Christian"! And I explained above what THE REASON IS for the scoundrel and liar by nature to seek their lies.
This is the Truth!

What is the ESSENCE=DEPTH of the trap=lure?

And what
is the temptation when someone deviates from the essence=depth and is seduced by the periphery=appearance?


1. THE TEMPTATION is precisely this - that satan AIMS EXACTLY AT THIS:
That there start long and lengthy discussions, disputes, in which
the final winner is precisely he = the father of lie (John.8:44)

Why? because:

1-a) While the disputes last – there fall=perish human souls – either on the "left" part of the traps he has set (the leaven of the sadducees), or on the "right" part of the traps he has set ( the leaven of the pharisees) Mat.16:12.
In this situation AFTER many souls perish in the hidden traps of satan both "on the left " and "on the right " – EVEN if the "orthodox" athlete beats and it is "proved" that "oh, we proved that the Sixth point is not correct" - then the heretics say, "well, all right, we will correct it" - and they "correct" it = make it a little more veriSIMILAR!
And ... again start the disputes... And new perished human souls = again the only one who wins is satan = both "on the left" and "on the right"...

1-b) In this way the arguing – both "the right" and "the wrong" protagonists - only help satan to sow lures designed to deceive if possible even the very elect (Matthew 24:24)

END RESULT: The temptation is polished, it becomes more and more refined - it becomes less noticeable = more veriSIMILAR!

That is why, translating the words of the Gospel in simpler and modern human language, I've always taught my spiritual children:
- OF TWO equally dangerous traps -
more dangerous is the one which is harder to notice!

2. QUESTION: And what is the solution?

2-a) The attention of the Orthodox must not concentrate on the periphery = details – such as "Sixth points" or the lie that supposedly the heretics could be accepted even without repentance and instead directly with Orthodox confession of faith. The attention of the Orthodox MUST NOT be pointed to this appearance=periphery and to these details!
Why should it not be directed there?
Because – as soon as it is directed this way - immediately there will follow in response LIES such as:
- The heretic Photius will give them the brazen lies that allegedly so had done St. Basil the great– BRAZEN LIE and blasphemy against the Orthodox Saint!
- The heretic Kallinikos will LIE that allegedly there was no need for the heretics to repent in order to be accepted in the Church = the heresy of Kallinikos - and then IF we believe this error and this HERESY of Kallinikos - then nobody and never will be able to determine:
- WHEN the heretics allegedly could be accepted even without repentance for their heresy?
- And WHEN they can not be accepted without repentance for their heresy and without its characterization=condemnation as heresy?
And then this "WHEN" due to the complete impossibility to be determined - logically and naturally will become a constant "ALWAYS".

2-b) Then WHERE should the attention of the Orthodox be focused - on WHAT?

Answer: The attention of the Orthodox
must be concentrated on the CORE=ESSENCE!

It looks like the battle of Hercules with the Lernean Hydra :
- Hercules cuts one by one the heads of the Hydra. But in the place of the severed head there grow two new ones.
- Hercules though, instead of sitting down and thinking about it, continues in the same direction: Flashes the sword of Hercules, heads fly, blood is shed... And no result - the hydra’s heads on the contrary – grow in number.
- IF Hercules, besides muscles had applied also mind - he would have done the right thing:
WITH ONE STAB = he would have stuck his sword into the HEART of the Hydra!

THIS is the solution !

THE CENTER = CORE where the attention of the Orthodox has to focus - the HEART of the LerneanHydra in which the champion Hercules has to stick his sword – is this:
WHO needs a NEW ecclesiology?
(Bulgarian: КОМУ е нужна НОВА Еклесиология?)
- the Orthodox DO NOT need "new ecclesiology"!
Orthodox have Ecclesiology = Orthodox! –  - it is clear and precise - and is taught BY the Holy Spirit THROUGH the Orthodox Bishops in 1998 - and so it does not need any "corrections" or "detailing"!
And the one who teaches that it supposedly needed "corrections" or "detailing" or any other hypocritical word that this one would come up with - he IS BLASPHEMING the Holy Spirit, as if the Holy Spirit "has not expressed Himself correctly" = BLASPHEMY.
And to this blasphemy ANATHEMA!
- NEW Ecclesiology need only the heretics! - Why? To "justify" their heresy = to make it more veriSIMILAR!

But they claim that THE NEW Ecclesiology was "THE SAME as the old one"...
LIE! IT IS NOT "the same" - it is only SIMILAR to it!
- IF it was really the same - then the heretics cyprianites also WOULD NOT need it !
- IF it was really the same - then the heretics cyprianites would not with such persistence=fanaticism a) impose it and b) polish it!
And since they are struggling to push it through with such a struggle, with such fanaticism with such shameless lies, with such technical tricks - this is a direct and obvious proof that it IS NOT THE SAME – that it is only SIMILAR to it!
- Why do they need it? And why do they do that? Answer: To craft through it and polish a better camouflaged trap = intended to deceive
if possible even the elect
(Matthew24 : 24)!

Ask brethren, the simple question: WHAT IS THE AIM of this NEW Ecclesiology - composed by the heretics-cyprianites? The answer is one:
to lull the vigilance of the Orthodox – TO DECEIVE THEM!
Simple question: What need does the Church have to adopt a NEW calendar? None!
- Need of this INNOVATION have the heretics - to push through the heresy of ecumenism!
Simple question: What need does the Church have to adopt a NEW ecclesiology? None!
- Need of this INNOVATION have the heretics - to push through the heresy of cyprianism!
And so the way of the Truth is maligned - as predicted (2Pet.2:1-2)

So this NEW ecclesiology IS THE BRIDGE to the religion of the antichrist!
Thus the old dream of the heretic Cyprian is coming true – to serve for the convening of the council of the antichrist – which will be called the "Eighth Ecumenical Council" - and exactly towards this council are OFFICIALLY preparing the united heretics cyprianites. Of course, they will give you a veri-SIMILAR explanation that this was not the case - and that veri-SIMILAR explanation will be refined so that it can deceive if possible even the elect (Matthew 24:24)

The masonic PLAN for the council of the antichrist has basically THREE STEPS:
1. THE FIRST STEP - this is the step of General Synod of the TOC. It is designed to unite all those who consider themselves Zealots of Orthodoxy, but DO NOT HAVE enough Spiritual knowledge to distinguish
TRUE Orthodoxy from the FALSEHOOD=DECEPTION offered UNDER THE GUISE of Orthodoxy
2. THE SECOND STEP - this is ESSENTIALLY "Eighth Ecumenical Council" – on which is at hand the unification of the false zealot TOC with the open ecumenists.
3. THIRD STEP - GENERAL council of all religions - UNIVERSAL religion of the antichrist where leadership will have the pan-heresy of ecumenism.

In this direction they are going GRADUALLY - to not "scare" the people who have at least a little spiritual vision.

At that the FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE of the cyprianite lure is this:
a) The heretics cyprianites go STRAIGHT to the so-called "Eighth Ecumenical Council" - STRAIGHT to the antichrist – strictly by programme!
b) When a Cleric or layman asks, appalled by what he sees with his own eyes - then ALL the explanations that are given
BY the "pundits" TO the "fools" are in such a way chosen and so carefully fine-tuned as to reassure = to deceive if possible even the elect (Matthew 24:24)

In other words - when the body is sick, regardless of the disease - there are two things:
a) The disease itself and b) The symptoms, by which we find about it and know it.
- When the disturbed person sees the symptoms of the heresy=perdition - then he, alarmed, conveys them to his GURU-heretic: HIM he trusts.
- In response to the concerns of the person who has seen WITH THEIR OWN eyes the signs of the DISEASE=HERESY=HELL – the guru-heretic acts like this - he:
a) never takes the trouble to cure=remove THE DISEASE but
b) takes the trouble to hide THE SYMPTOMS of this destruction=heresy=hell - which the concerned SIGHTED person has SEEN. In other words: to throw dust in his eyes - and this dust to be SOOTHING = acceptable = convenient = veriSIMILAR!

While archbishop Kallinikos was Orthodox - he exposed not only THE SECOND but also THE FIRST STEP of this masonic plan.
But now, since archbishop Kallinikos fell in the heresy of cyprianism - already he leads THE FIRST STEP of this masonic plan

Here – the united heretics cyprianites - have ALREADY begun to propagandize their satanic work set to them as obedience by the masons - carefully, slowly, so as not to startle the pious souls, and so -
to deceive
if possible even the elect (Matthew 24:24)

Here is their propaganda officially published on their website:

This is just THE FIRST STEP – of the dream of the heretic Cyprian

Once it is accomplished, the masonic plan is for THE SECOND STEP - this is essentially "Eighth Ecumenical Council"

on this council
a) will be passed - only two "dogmas" – the "dogmas" of the antichrist:
- everything is true
- everything is permitted
b) and will be condemned - only the ones who disagree with this council = the Orthodox = will be condemned only Holy Orthodoxy = only the True Orthodox Church!
Priest John (Vasilevski): This I wrote it back in 1985 in my book "The Way of theFaithful Today" - since practically when dates my struggle against the heresy of cyprianism and against the dream of this archheretik of the so-called. "8-th ecumenical" = the council of the antichrist - and for which book also persecuted me their allies the bolsheviks.
(At that time today’s Photius of Marathon was walking upright under the table...)

Therefore - as I always say - and again warn
- OF TWO equally dangerous traps -
more dangerous is the one which is harder to notice!

Therefore – TO AVOID such a trap - think not only with muscles like Hercules, but - especially WITH MIND!
This means:
- Do not get distracted by periphery and details - to there will go the fraudsters, the hypocrites, those who want to deceive themselves out of mean-spiritedness - for some benefit, some convenience.
- And you, who want to save yourselves – turn to the CORE=ESSENCE:
WHO needs a NEW ecclesiology?
(Bulgarian: КОМУ е нужна НОВА Еклесиология?)
- the Orthodox DO NOT need a "new ecclesiology"!
The Orthodox have Ecclesiology = Orthodox!
- It is clear and precise - and is taught BY the Holy Spirit THROUGH the Orthodox bishops in 1998 - and so it does not need "corrections" or "detailing"!
And the one who teaches that it supposedly needed "corrections" or "detailing" or any other such hypocritical word that this one will come up with - he BLASPHEMES the Holy Spirit, as if the Holy Spirit "has not properly expressed Himself" = BLASPHEMY.
And to this blasphemy ANATHEMA!


on the cyprianites


  The perversion
of the


  The Defrocking of Cyprian
of Oropos


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"The Sixth Point"
Do NEVER believe the apostates from the Synod-K
– whatever they tell you, whatever "documents" they show you – because they are SHAMELESS LIARS (Photius Marathon and others)!


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