ANATHEMA on the cyprianites!

FAITHFUL sons of the Holy Orthodox Church - get up!
The Church is in danger! The bugle is calling for battle!

Yes, the Church is in danger! But the gates of hell shall not prevail against it! Thus says the Lord Himself (Mat.16:18).
Lord Almighty protects His Church - and so She is invincible!
BUT - also we, Her faithful sons and sons of God (John.1:12-13) – have the filial duty to stand up and fight for the Holy Church WHENEVER the Lord Himself through the bugle of His Angels call us to battle! - this is a call to us that WE TOO apply our efforts for Her protection. This is called SYNERGY: Our human labor and zeal in unity with God's help and in full obedience to Him and under the guidance of His Holy Will!
And the most loathsome enemy of God among human thoughts and feelings - this is the opposite of synergy with God - this is:
There is nothing more hateful to God, there is nothing causing God's wrath more
- than indifference -
that is why God says: I know your works - you are neither cold nor hot, I would you were cold or hot! But since you're lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue you out of my mouth! (Rev.3:15-16)

And so, brethren in Christ and sons of the Most High (John.1:12-13), where is the danger for the Holy Church of Christ coming from?
Where are those about whom the Holy Mother of God says, "Here come the enemies of God and my personal enemies!" in a revelation to the doorkeeper of the Bulgarian monastery Zograph?
And where, sons of God and sons of the Church (John.1:12-13) must we direct our efforts in SYNERGY with God?

The danger comes from the fact that we
are living in the time of the APOSTASY of which Holy Apostle Paul wrote (2Thes.2:2-3) and in this APOSTASY many naive and gullible people can be deceived and fall away from the Holy Orthodox Church and let themselves be lead into the heresy of cyprianism. The heretics cyprianites hypocritically present themselves as orthodox and call themselves "church in resistance". (They are present in Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and elsewhere.)

Here is their blasphemous heresy:
a) They teach that allegedly: Those who reside in heresy are still part of the Church of Christ and that allegedly their "mysteries" are Grace-filled
b) The heretics cyprianites resist the Holy Spirit, Who THROUGH st.Ap.Paul clearly says that the Church of Christ is a glorious Church, not having spot, or wrinkle or any such things, but is a holy and without blemish Bride of Christ (Ephes.5:27). And those resisters against the Holy Spirit blasphemously teach that allegedly: the Church was "divided into two parts", one ailing with heresy, and one healthy without heresy - and thus blasphemously maintain not only that the Holy Body=Church of Christ supposedly could be divided, but also be "infected" with the disease of lie=heresy.

With the name "church" (to wit Body of Christ) the heretics
cyprianites call blasphemously the heresy of ecumenism and recognize it as their mother church from which they, as an integral part of it but "healthy" supposedly resist against her sick part - which they of practice further promote the heresy of ecumenism and serve this heresy.

With this heresy of their – the heretics cyprianites fall under ANATHEMA, imposed on the heresy of ecumenism in 1983 by the Russian Diaspora, from which the Synod of Chrysostom (today Kallinikos) has apostolic succession, and also under the ANATHEMA imposed on the heresy of ecumenism in 1998 by the Synod of Chrysostom (today Kallinikos).

BUT the Holy Orthodox Church has never been "in resistance" to anything - whatever it might be!
On the contrary :
SHE is the Center = SHE lives = SHE is the Positive = SHE is the Absolute Life in the Lord
and against HER resist all forces of hell, and all sorts resisters. But the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is the Head of the Church, says that no resisters will be able to prevail against it - even the gates of hell will not succeed! (Mat.16:18)

The ones in resistance = the cyprianites - the manifest and open – as well as those that are hidden (like spies) in the Synod of Kallinikos are heretics!
The cyprianites - both the manifest and the hidden - are heretics!
The Cyprianites - both the overt and open - and the ones hidden in the Synod of Kallinikos, are given over to ANATHEMA by the Synod of Chrysostom Kiousis in 1998 with a Synodal Encyclical!

This Synodal encyclical places
- Because
the Cyprianites are separated from the Church and are infected with the worst heresy in the history of the world = the pan-heresy of ecumenism = the last heresy (there will not be another) = the religion of the coming into the world antichrist. The Cyprianites belong to this religion of the antichrist. There will not be another religion of the antichrist in the world! This is the one!
And this religion of the antichrist is
given over to ANATHEMA by the Synod of Chrysostom Kiousis in 1998.

there is no such ANATHEMA in the history of the world, to which only the heresy is given over but not the heresiarch, who has given birth to it! On the contrary – the ANATHEMA is always placed both on the heresy and the heresiarch who has given birth to it:
The same way as ANATHEMA on Arianism falls also on Arius himself!
The same way as ANATHEMA on monophysitism falls also on the monophysites themselves!
So the ANATHEMA on the heresy of ecumenism falls also on the "church" Babylonian whore that gave birth to this heresy officially with its
synodal encyclical in 1920.
- and
on Chrysostomos Papadopoulos - the Head of this very "church" whore of Babylon, and all that are with him.

- Because they
profess to have as their mother-church this whore of Babylon = the "church" mother of the heresy of ecumenism, which gave birth to this heresy officially with its synodal encyclical in 1920. The Cyprianites profess to be sons of this Babylonian whore, and she to be = their mother-church = mother of harlots and abominations of the earth (Rev.17:5)

The heresy of ecumenism was born not by the roman pope
The heresy of ecumenism was born not also by protestants,
The heresy of ecumenism was born by the pseudo-patriarchate located geographically today in Constantinople – it is the Whore of Babylon = the "church" mother of the heresy of ecumenism – it is the one, that gave birth to this heresy officially with its synodal encyclical in 1920.

THE ANATHEMA ON THE CYPRIANITES can be revoked by no one = No Council!
ANATHEMA ON THE CYPRIANITES is imposed THROUGH the Synod not BY men but the Holy Spirit Himself has imposed it- through the people through whom has spoken He –
the One Who Speaks through the Prophets
And it is not possible that once the Holy Spirit would reveal to men one thing, and then reveal something else opposite to the first - because the Holy Spirit cannot contradict Himself!

Therefore here no human games and
falsifications can change anything!
the ANATHEMA imposed by the Synod of Chrysostom
cannot be abolished not only by the Synod of Ka
but even by an ecumenical Council - because if such a Council calls itself "ecumenical" but does not uphold the decisions of ALL the previous councils –the Holy Spirit will declare it ROBBERS COUNCIL even if there are no men left on the earth – THROUGH whom the Holy Spirit to proclaim this denunciation!

ON ECUMENISM = means = ANATHEMA on the "church" which gave birth to this heresy with its encyclical in 1920 = means = ANATHEMA on the mother "church" of the cyprianites = means =

The cyprianitic mother-"church" = mother of harlots and abominations of the earth (Rev.17:5) = the whore of Babylon, constantly speaks of love - yet hers is not love, but continual whoredom, because she is drunken with the blood of the Saints of the Lord (Rev.17:6) whom she in deed kills off for faith, while in word talks about love!
the inhabitants of the earth have been drunk with the wine of her fornication and with her have committed fornication the kings of the earth = the heresiarchs = the enemies, resisting the One Heavenly King = the Spirit of Truth = and the One Absolute King Lord Jesus Christ (Rev.17:2)

the cyprianites genuinely and NON-hypocritically wish to cease to be heretics-cyprianites = sons of the babylonian harlot and to become Orthodox – it is necessary that IN WORD and IN DEED they bring forth fruit meet for their repentance (Mat.3:8):

The hypocritical cyprianites, hidden in the synod of Kallinikos, LIE that supposedly the manifest cyprianites accept the faith of the Synod of Kallinikos and condemn the new calendar and ecumenism.
N THE CONTRARY: The manifest cyprianites DO NOT REPENT, but just the opposite – for more than three years now since the start of the negotiations, on the official website of the cyprianites – with heretical fanaticism - they keep written their evil faith and heresy, their official faith:

(NOTE: These screen shots from the official website of the cyprianites were taken on 14/27 Feb. 2014, that is- a few days AFTER the cyprianites-bishops hiding in the synod of Kallinikos
shamelessly IN THE EYES
their priests
, that supposedly the manifest cyprianites had "repented", that supposedly the manifest cyprianites had "reversed" their heretical confession.
These screenshots are clear EVIDENCE that the bishops-cyprianites hidden in the Synod K. DELIBERATELY LIE to their Priests - deliberately mislead them and the congregation in the Church!!!
These records from the screen, and this text record of this NOTE, are made in the presence of several witnesses - and each one has kept a copy of them!
a) Their names are not said because the persecutors are exposed in DELIBERATE LIE, exposed in unscrupulousness, exposed in exerting mental and other pressure on every person (Priest or layman) who holds dear their Orthodox conscience and does not allow lying, cunning, fraud, find a place in their heart and mind.
b) Exactly the same way and with equality of human respect, we also do not say the names of the liars among the bishops – in order to not discredit them publicly - and thus not only to be respectful of their Bishop’s rank, but also to give them real opportunity to repent
- for the deliberate deception that they sow among Priests and laity
- and for the terrible damage which with such fanaticism they have been inflicting on the Church lately).

In the first passage (of the screen shot document presented above) we see that the heretics cyprianites
a) only formally say they supposedly believe in ONE (indivisible) Catholic and Apostolic Church - to conceal their heresy
b) however, on the other hand - they declaratively state their heresy: the famous BLASPHEMY which the heretics cyprianites throw on the Church Immaculate and WITHOUT A BLEMISH Bride of Christ! And the heretics cyprianites BLASPHEME the Immaculate Bride of Christ the Church Body of Christ of the One Head Christ - that supposedly she were "sick" and supposedly she were "divided"! This exact heresy, which is against Christ’s Body, blasphemous heresy is submitted to ANATHEMA in the Encyclical of the Synod of Chrysostom in 1998!
blasphemous cyprianites!

Here is a
second passage:

In the second passage we see that the heretics cyprianites recognize the presence of sacraments in the heresy of ecumenism! The most terrible heresy in the history of the world! And to believe that this most terrible heresy has sacraments? To believe that in it there acts the Holy Spirit Who in fact performs EACH Sacrament in the Church of Christ!
And this - AFTER Cyprian Kutsumba KNOWS and recognizes publicly that in the joint "liturgy" in Canberra descended NOT the Holy Spirit but a satanic spirit!
After that
- they put in one place the Holy Spirit and the devil??? Terrible blasphemy!

And many other blasphemies and heresies! The heretics cyprianites DO NOT REPENT for any one of them!
On the contrary: THEY DEMONSTRATIVELY, DEFIANTLY – with characteristic heretical fanaticism keep written on their official website their evil faith and heresy - for more than three years now since the start of the negotiations!!!

Therefore: The hidden in the Synod of Kallinikos cyprianites – are trying to mislead us into cyprianism, trying to convert US, to deceive us so that WE diverge from the True Orthodox Faith - and to mislead us so that we also fall into the same heresy of cyprianism, which heresy the Holy Orthodox Church has submitted to anathema!

Therefore: The cyprianites hypocritically hidden IN THE SYNOD of Kallinikos -
1) Simply consider us extreme fools - and lie to us openly and in the eyes!
2) Consider us, not only extreme fools – but also such fools who will snap their fingers at their salvation and for men-pleasing towards them - will go to hell for eternal torment, convicted together with them for having fallen in the heresy of cyprianism

To throw dust in our eyes – the hidden cyprianites in the Synod of Kallinikos say that the manifest cyprianites of the synod in resistance condemn the heresy of ecumenism and the new calendar. This is hypocrisy! That's a lie! And this lie is also prepared for extreme fools – which the hidden in the synod K. cyprianites consider us - the True Orthodox to be!!!
1. "condemn" is a word for rinsing of conscience.
The correct word is ANATHEMA! They must submit to ANATHEMA!
And not just some theoretical heresy - NO! That's not enough! They must submit to anathema also the pseudochurch-heresiarch, which has given birth to this last heresy and which pseudochurch the cyprianites still proclaim as their "mother-church". Children of resistance! (Acts.5:39)!

2. "We shall demand that they anathematize ecumenism and the new calendar" is another expression for the rinsing of conscience. It is not enough. Cyprian in one of his films about Canberra says: The motto of the joint liturgy in Canberra is "Come Holy Spirit..." but what spirit has come onto the participants - the Holy Spirit or another spirit?
So, Cyprian understands that in the heresy of ecumenism THERE IS NOT and cannot be the Holy Spirit! - he said it 20 years ago! So why he opposes = why he resists the Truth? So a simple anathematizing of the heresy of ecumenism and of the new calendar will change nothing in them and they will only “rinse” their conscience that:
protestants, papists and other participants in this heresy are anathematized - YES
the pope who brought the papal calendar is anathematized - YES
the new calendar "church" – the mother that gave birth to the heresy of the antichrist in 1920 = mother of harlots and abominations of the earth (Rev.17:5) anathematized?
"NO! - say
the cyprianites - She is our mother Church! How can we anathematize her like that? She is just a sick church - our mother-Church whose disease we-cyprianites resist as a synod in resistance! Not our own mother we resist - how is that possible? - no, we resist her illness!"

This is
the heresy of cyprianism!
The heresy of cyprianism consists precisely in the fact that the heretics-cyprianites profess themselves to be SONS of the Cyprianites’ mother-"church" = mother of harlots and abominations of the earth (Rev.17:5) = the whore of Babylon, who is drunken with the blood of the Saints of the Lord (Rev.17:6) whom in deed she kills off for faith, while in word talks about love!
And the inhabitants of the earth have been drunk with the wine of her fornication and with her have committed fornication the kings of the earth = the heresiarchs = the enemies, resisting the One Heavenly King = the Spirit of Truth = and the One Absolute King Lord Jesus Christ (Rev.17:2)

Oh, you heretics
cyprianites - manifest or hidden in the synod of Kallinikos! Stop resisting God the Holy Spirit! Ye stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears - you always resist the Holy Spirit (Acts.7:51) Stop ye fighters against god (Acts.5:39)! Understand at last in your human heads: What is of God, you cannot overthrow (Acts.5:39)!

This is the true and accurate diagnosis of the cyprianism (and the cyprianites).
And our giving you this true and accurate diagnosis – this is the True Love! Because for there to take place cure of any disease, whatever it might be and for there to be LIFE as well, the first thing necessary is:
- True and accurate diagnosis!
There is not True Love without=outside the Truth!
There is no cure of any disease and there is not Life - without true and accurate diagnosis! - Diplomacy kills = lies and kills! And the Truth gives Life! (John.1:,4 John.14:6)

After the diagnosis-Love – here is what is cure and LIFE for the cyprianites:
For the cyprianites to cease to be heretics and to become Orthodox – they must:

- NO
T only "to condemn ecumenism"
- N
OT also only "to anathematize ecumenism and the calendar"
a)  TO anathematize the heresy of ecumenism, defining it as the last and most terrible heresy=religion of the antichrist (there will not be another religion of the Antichrist)
 TO anathematize the papal calendar - as did the Holy fathers of the Councils and as, in the equivalent of three-quarters of they did, did the Synod of Chrysostom in 1998 as well
c)  TO anathematize the new-calendar pseudochurch! - as a mother, given birht to the pan-heresy of ecumenism in 1920 - by conception from her father the devil (Ioan.8:44) – from this whoredom the Whore of Babylon originated and began to spread from her mother = the new-calendar pseudochurch - and around the world and on the other false religions: papism, protestantism and the other fiends and brood hated by God (Matthew 24:15, Mark.13:14, Luke.16:15, Sirach.15:13, Rev.17:2, Rev.18:2)
is what they have to do: TO anathematize the new-calendar pseudochurch = the whore of Babylon = mother of the pan-heresy of ecumenism!

And this ANATHEMA is the highest Love - it delivers from the poison of heresy - all those who accept the Love of the Truth! And those who refuse to accept it - who continue to resist IT – are devoid of the Holy Spirit - and are given a spirit of delusion (2Thes.2:8-12).

Only in this way - through Love of the Truth – will the heretics cyprianites stop to profess themselves to be sons of the whore of Babylon - because this is the only way defined in the Holy Canons by God the Holy Spirit , Who spoke through the Prophets, through the holy Fathers of the Church - and by Whom are written all the Apostolic Canons, because never by the will of man was a prophecy spoken, but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost" (2Pet.1:20-21)!


nd after that IN DEED – the cyprianites must be
1 ) Baptized
2 )
Tonsured monks
3 ) Ordained Deacons
4 ) Ordained Priests
5 )
Ordained Bishops
That is - they have to go through this procedure through which passed Father Cassian, Bulgarian, when from the heresy of cyprianism he came to the Church = the Synod of Chrysostom-Kallinikos!

Once all
this is done
only then the cyprianites will become Orthodox - and we will go and bow to each of them = to Christ in him - and will kiss his hand.

If this is not true -
1. Why Bishop Kallinikos
(The present Archbishop of the Synod) did not say to father Cassian, when he came to him: "Condemn the heresy of ecumenism and accept us - and you're already an Archimandrite " - why did he not say to him so?
2 . Why at that time he did
Baptize him?
3 . Why at that time he did
tonsure him monk?
4 . Why at that time he did ordain
him Deacon?
5 . Why at that time he did ordain
him Priest?
6 . Why at that time he did
make him Archimandrite and Abbot?
What is going on? The Archbishop changed his belief - or father Cassian was some inferior quality man compared to those Romanian "deacons", "priests", "bishops"? And as inferior quality – had to be “loved” less than them?

What a horror! And how many are the blind people who do not see this horror!
They guide your soul to hell, to eternal destruction, and if you do not obey this spiritual slavery and everlasting destruction - they present you in front of the people as villain and fanatic, and themselves - they present as supposedly doing everything "out of love" for you and for everyone else!?? What a horror!

Oh, no, gentlemen bishops of the APOSTASY (2Thes.2:2-3), let the real fools listen to you and obey this spiritual slavery and this destruction - if they like it!
We do not want you - we want the Lord Jesus Christ and that Bishop who is with Him in the Holy Orthodox Church - and NOT YOU – because
we want the Eternal Salvation!

Oh, you heretics cyprianites - manifest or hidden in the synod of Kallinikos!
Stop your stupid tricks and
games with our human souls!
Stop resisting God the Holy Spirit! Ye stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears - you always resist the Holy Spirit (Acts.7:51) Stop ye fighters against God (Acts.5:39)! Understand at last in your human heads: What is of God, you can not overthrow (Acts.5:39)!


on the cyprianites


  The perversion
of the


  The Defrocking of Cyprian
of Oropos


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